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©Yoga Sathya - Holistic Therapy - Science of Life - Observing tongue

Writer's picture: Belisa GodinhoBelisa Godinho

Holistic therapy is an approach that considers the human being as a whole, integrating the physical, mental, emotional and energetic aspects. She seeks to understand health in a comprehensive way, not only treating symptoms, but also investigating deep causes and toxic patterns.

Observing language is a common practice in this approach. It is believed that the tongue reflects the general condition of the body, allowing imbalances to be identified and appropriate treatments to be established.

The life science of Ayurveda has used tongue observation as a diagnostic tool for thousands of years. According to this tradition, the tongue is like a map of the body, reflecting internal health.

Here are some aspects that the appearance of the tongue can reveal:

Health of other organs: The tongue can indicate problems in other organs.

Malabsorption of nutrients: Changes in the tongue can point to digestive problems.

Thyroid-related issues: Looking at your tongue can provide insights into your thyroid health.

Spinal health: Some characteristics of the tongue may be related to the spine.

Presence of toxins in the blood: The appearance of the tongue may indicate the presence of toxins.

Additionally, daily tongue scraping is a recommended Ayurvedic practice. It stimulates internal organs, improves digestion and removes bacteria from the oral cavity.

So paying attention to your language can be a simple and effective way to monitor your health!

Info related:

The practice of oil rinsing, known as Gandusha in Ayurveda, is an ancient technique that involves the use of vegetable oil to detoxify the mouth and improve oral and general health.

Benefits of Gandusha

Detoxification: Helps remove toxins, bacteria and mucus from the mouth.

Oral Health: Improves the health of teeth and gums, preventing oral diseases.

Strengthening: Strengthens the jaw muscles and improves the firmness of the vocal cords.

Taste Improvement: Increases the perception of flavors and purifies the appetite.

How to Mouthwash with Oil

Choice of Oil: Warmed raw sesame oil is often recommended.

Quantity: Place a small amount of oil in your mouth.

Mouthwash: Compress the oil vigorously between the cheeks, rinsing the entire area of the teeth and gums.

Duration: Do this for about 15-20 minutes.

Disposal: Spit out the oil and rinse your mouth with warm water.

Tongue ScrapingIn addition to mouthwash, Ayurveda recommends scraping the tongue to remove toxins accumulated overnight. This can be done with a metal tongue scraper (stainless steel or copper) as soon as you wake up.

These practices are part of the daily Ayurveda care routine, known as Dinacharya, and can contribute significantly to overall health and well-being.

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